Thursday, August 30, 2012

Update on Bunker

From Bunker's owner:

Bunker is doing great! Here he is with our daughter on the couch. There is plenty of room on the floor, and even the other side of the couch, but had to go here!

He loves his new sister. They play well together. Also loves his cousins at doggie daycare and is very excited to go visit them on the days he goes to daycare.

He and Quin are doing obedience classes with Greater Lincoln Obedience Club. So far all is going great! He does get diareah if stressed. We went on vacation and left him with the in-laws (doggie daycare) for 4 days and he ended up at the vet with runny poop when we returned. Went away one other weekend, same thing, so he has a bit of anxiety when we leave town.

Totally blew out his undercoat. There wasn't a single hair of it left (what a mess), but now growing it back in and looks beautiful!  

He looks pretty comfortable to me!

Comment on his digestion problem. Collies are notorious for sensitive stomachs. My collie mix, Jazz would do the same thing when we boarded him. Even eating his own regular dog food and not the kennel's food.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Change in fosters

No longer getting Ramona, but will get Rocky instead as #17. He's from the same group. Tentative day is Saturday.

Friday, August 24, 2012

#17 - Ramona

Some early pictures of Ramona, my next foster. She comes from a hoarding situation in Iowa. Five collies, the oldest being the mom at 12. She's also in the worst shape. They will be groomed and vetted before moving into the foster homes. It's really nice when this gets done before I get them, as it's nice to concentrate on general brushing and housebreaking.
Ramona is the one with the white blaze.

And the mom, Mariah. It's unlikely her coat can be saved, so she will probably be shaved.