Sunday, May 4, 2014


This blog can now be found here

Full frontal collies

I know there are other dogs who love laying on their backs, but it is definitely a collie pose. Mostly because they have double coats, they do this to be cooler, but I think it's also a comfortable position. Personally, I prefer sleeping on my back. I was reading the Sunday paper this morning and glanced into the hallway and saw this:
 Luckily I was able to get the picture before he moved.

Yesterday I took Woodson to the No-Kill Walk for Animals. Held at the International Bazarre at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds, it was well-attended. We had steady traffic stopping at the MWCR booth, seeing regulars and new people. Robin brought her foster, Prince, who was so friendly and vocal, he really did his job to attract people to the booth! I got a chance to walk around and visit other booths, seeing some familiar ones, but I saw a lot of rescues I'd never heard of before. I love that there are so many working to help homeless pets. I initially wanted to bring Cody, but they required the animals be neutered, and that is happening tomorrow!

Cody ate his dog food yesterday!

Cody has found his voice and is now barking at noises. Not a lot but he definitely alerts to things, making him a good watchdog. He continues to do well on a leash. Terry bought him a collar and matching leash from the booth next to us. It's a regular collar and is working well. He hasn't tried to slip out of it.

This afternoon, I'm heading to the Collie Flower Party with Woodson. A member organized this, to have collies visit the Catholic Eldercare facility in NE Minneapolis. Looking forward to seeing how Woodson is in this kind of setting. I want to get him certified as a therapy dog. My plan for the summer is to get out each day and work on his obedience for 10-15 minutes a day, even if it's in the dark!

A heads up to readers of this blog. I'm considering moving it over to Wordpress. I'm working on the MWCR blog on that platform and it's a bit more user friendly than this one. I will be working on transferring this over as soon as I get things set up, so it won't be happening anytime soon, but will definitely happen.

Friday, May 2, 2014


I cleaned off the grooming table, pulled it outside and went to work on Cody. Since his bath he's been dropping clumps of fur. I had to lift him up onto the table but once there he stood quietly and let me just brush and brush. What a good boy!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Sleeping and kind of eating

Cody wants nothing to do with dog food and everything to do with people food. He slept well through the night and while he's an occasional whiner I haven't heard him bark yet. That's normal. Some dogs need more time to settle in and take a while for their true personality to appear, and others just let another house dog do the barking. Mac never made a peep the month he was here, but started barking right away at his permanent home.
I mixed a slice of cheese in with Cody's food today and he ate most of it. I think maybe he was used to just having kibble down all the time to nibble on when he felt like it.
And no problems waiting for him to pee outside. He pees on EVERYTHING! Grass, trees, bushes, the other dogs . . . Oy!
He started playing today with Woodson, which is who the fosters prefer to play with. He's much more gentle than my train wreck, Brett.
He has a really thick coat. I have hours of brushing to do on him. I'm probably going to take him to the No-Kill Walk for Animals on Saturday, so need to brush him tomorrow. He has undercoat that really needs to come out.