Friday, December 9, 2011

Two collies in the house!

Terry picked him up in Waseca this morning and brought him to my house. Thanks, Terry! This was really nice of her.
He's a tall boy. He's wearing the cone of shame, still, from being neutered a week ago. Supposed to have him checked in another week. I'm going to have to put Desi in the kennel I picked up the other day and put Bruno in the bigger one, he's that tall!
He's really thin from being a stray, and also has had burs cut away, so his coat has patches, his tail fur has been completely chopped, but he's gorgeous!
He's laying down now, quietly resting. It's been a busy morning for him. He's had a tour of the house and we're now in my bedroom with Desi kenneled downstairs and Brett in the hall. Just want to give him some quiet time for a bit. I don't think he's housebroken so need to keep him close.
Initially he seems like a really loving dog, easy going. 
His coat is short, but really thick. He needs a good brushing. The vet figured him to be two to three years old.
I have the day off so can spend a lot of time with him. 

And, as I post this, I hear him drinking out of the toilet. Yes, he's fitting right in.

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